
温德尔·皮尔斯并排拍摄的大头照拼贴图, 西安张, 珍妮特Eilber, Hermeto Pascoal和黛博拉·波尔达
温德尔·皮尔斯, 西安张, 珍妮特Eilber, Hermeto Pascoal和黛博拉·波尔达

At Juilliard’s College Division commencement ceremony—the school’s 118th—five leaders in the arts world received honorary doctorates.



黛博拉·波尔达, who’s spent the last three decades leading the New York 和 Los Angeles philharmonics, 延伸了艺术, 商业, technological boundaries of what an orchestra can be through creative leadership, 致力于创新, 进步的愿景.

担任纽约爱乐乐团总裁兼首席执行官(2017年至今), Borda helped bring to completion a decades-long plan to transform David Geffen Hall 和 spearheaded the appointment of Gustavo Dudamel as music 和 artistic director beginning in 2026. 在她的领导下, 纽约爱乐乐团引进了一种新的节目编排方法, exploring issues such as women’s rights through the Project 19 commissioning program, 获得了普利策奖, 并通过“纽约菲尔潮流”等活动与社区建立联系, 在大流行期间在纽约市提供免费户外表演的公司. The first arts executive to join Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership, Borda has received accolades including honorary doctorates from the New Engl和 Conservatory, 柯蒂斯学院, Manhattan School of 音乐; election to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences; 和 has chaired the Avery Fisher Artist Program.

Borda, who received her bachelor’s from Bennington College 和 also studied at the Royal College of 音乐, 在开始她作为艺术主管的旅程之前,她是一名自由音乐家. 她曾担任亨德尔和海顿协会的经理, 底特律交响乐团的执行总监, 圣保罗室内乐团的主席和常务董事, general manager 和 artistic administrator of the San Francisco Symphony before her first stint at the NY Phil—for eight seasons as executive director—和 joining the Los Angeles Philharmonic as president 和 chief executive officer (2000–17). She returned to the NY Phil in 2017 和 announced a year ago that she would step down at the end of this season.


当时她还在esball世博, 珍妮特·艾贝尔(73届BFA), 玛莎·格雷厄姆(Martha Graham, 1951 - 1977年的教员)邀请她加入她的舞团. 她的第一次演出是在1972年, 多年来, 她出演了格雷厄姆的许多重要角色, 格雷厄姆为她创造了什么角色, 该剧的大部分主要角色都由格雷厄姆执导. Eilber soloed at the White House, was partnered by Rudolf Nureyev, starred in three segments of 美国之舞, worked with such major Graham collaborators such as Isamu Noguchi, Aaron Copl和, Halston.

Eilber became artistic director of the Martha Graham Center of Contemporary 跳舞 Company in 2005, her creative curation has pioneered new forms of audience access to the Graham legacy. 她重建了丢失的格雷厄姆独奏 抒情节日歌曲直接的悲剧 和 remixed Graham choreography around the world, most recently for Long Beach Opera’s 过节 Jakub男高音主演Józef Orliński(研究生文凭' 17,配音). 她教过, 演讲, directed Graham ballets internationally for companies such as the Dutch National Ballet 和 the Paris Opera Ballet.

除了与格雷厄姆的合作,艾伯尔还在电影中合作,包括 这到底是谁的生活? Richard Dreyfus和 浪漫喜剧 达德利·摩尔. She was featured in several 1980s 电视 series 和 danced 和 acted on 和 Off Broadway directed by greats including Agnes DeMille (faculty 1951–54) 和 Bob Fosse. 因为她在汤米·Tune的表演 走出年,她获得了戏剧奖提名. Eilber, who received four Lester Horton Awards for her reconstruction 和 performance of seminal American modern dance, was director of arts education for the Dana Foundation 和 is a trustee emeritus of the Interlochen Center for the Arts.

Hermeto Pascoal

Hermeto Pascoal是一位巴西作曲家, 编曲, multi- instrumentalist recognized for his skills in orchestration 和 improvisation 和 for his use of unconventional objects in his music. He is also a music producer 和 has collaborated on numerous national 和 international albums.

帕斯卡尔从小就对大自然的声音着迷. He made a flute out of a pumpkin stem 和 spent hours playing music with the water in the lake 和 making sounds with spare material from his gr和father’s blacksmith tools. At 7, 他开始试验他父亲的八低音手风琴, 他和他的哥哥, 何塞否决权, 我们很快就在公开场合演奏手风琴和手鼓了吗. 没过多久, 他开始弹钢琴, 将巴西音乐与爵士乐融合在一起, 并与巴西和国际知名音乐家一起演出. 帕斯卡尔于20世纪60年代末前往美国.S., where he played with musicians including Miles Davis (’45, trumpet) 和 Airto 更多的ira. 这些年来他录制了几十张专辑, 他的创新和不拘一格的音乐启发了几代音乐家. 今年, he’s been inspiring Juilliard musicians— he was on campus in the winter 和 the jazz orchestra 和 ensembles each performed his music.

在他的职业生涯中, 帕斯卡尔突破了音乐的界限, 为他赢得了真正的音乐革新者的国际认可. 他对巴西音乐的贡献赢得了无数的奖项和荣誉, 包括2019年的拉丁格莱美终身成就奖. 尽管他很成功, 帕斯卡尔仍然谦虚,并致力于他的手艺, 他一直在寻找新的方式,通过音乐这一通用语言来表达自己.


New Orleans native 温德尔·皮尔斯 (Group 14) has established himself as a prolific award-winning actor with a body of work on stage, 电视, 还有三十多年的电影生涯. 在他广受好评的电视角色中,有班克·莫兰德(电线)、安托万·巴蒂斯特(郊区故事),以及詹姆斯·格里尔(汤姆·克兰西演的杰克·瑞安). 他还扮演了罗伯特·赞恩 西装; had recurring roles on 雷多诺万芝加哥PD; 和 appeared as Clarence Thomas (确认)及 《在世界与我之间根据Ta-Nehisi Coates的书改编.

皮尔斯去年回到百老汇,作为 推销员之死’s Willy Loman after receiving a Laurence Olivier Award best actor nomination for the West End run of the production. 他在百老汇的其他作品包括《奥古斯特·威尔逊》 钢琴课卡里尔·丘吉尔的 严重的钱和约翰·皮尔迈耶的 冬天的男孩. 其他戏剧学分包括 生活费用 (威廉敦戏剧节); Broke-ology (林肯中心); 可惜她是个妓女, 《esball世博》, 维罗纳的两位绅士, 伪君子 (纽约莎士比亚戏剧节); 等待戈多樱桃园 (Classical Theatre of Harlem); 和 the 俄狄浦斯 循环(希律·阿提克斯剧院,雅典). 在电影中,皮尔斯的作品包括艾娃·杜威内 塞尔玛泰勒·哈克福德的 斯派克·李的 马尔科姆·艾克斯 上公共汽车福里斯特·惠特克 等待呼气他是圣丹斯电影节评审团大奖得主 仁慈.

Named a 1981 White House Presidential Scholar in the Arts before entering Juilliard, Pierce has won an Obie for sustained excellence in the theater; a Tribeca Film Festival best actor award for Burning Cane; a Tony as a producer of Clybourne公园; 和 a Special Image outst和ing actor award for Life 支持. 他是Equity Media的共同所有人, 它拥有WBOK, a 70-year-old Black talk radio station in New Orleans 和 the oldest Black-owned radio station in Louisiana. 他的回忆录叫做 《芦苇中的风.


西安张, 谁曾在世界各地指挥过主要的交响乐团和歌剧乐团, is in her seventh season as music director of the New Jersey Symphony as well as principal guest conductor of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra 和 conductor emeritus of Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano, 她还担任音乐总监(2009-16). 下个赛季, 除了多次交响演出, 她将首次在大都会歌剧院指挥普契尼 Madama蝴蝶. 她2022年的录音 写给未来的信 with the Philadelphia Orchestra 和 the trio Time for Three (Deutsche Grammophon) won best contemporary classical composition (Kevin Puts’ 联系)和最佳古典器乐独奏奖.

张 made her Juilliard Orchestra debut in 2008, when she conducted during its 10-day China tour. She first led the Juilliard Orchestra in New York in 2010 和 did so again in 2020 和 2021.

张, who received her bachelor’s 和 master’s degrees from the Central Conservatory of 音乐 in Beijing, 16岁开始指挥, 三年后, 带领中国国家歌剧乐团 费加罗的婚礼. 她搬到了美国.S. in 1998 和 received her doctorate from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of 音乐, 在那里,她还担任了四年的交响乐团音乐总监. In 2002, she won first prize in the Maazel-Vilar Conductor’s Competition 和 was appointed assistant conductor of the New York Philharmonic, where she subsequently became associate conductor 和 the first holder of the Arturo Toscanini chair. 在许多其他头衔中, 她是英国广播公司国家管弦乐团和威尔士合唱团的首席客座指挥, as such was the first female conductor to hold a titled role with a BBC orchestra.